Luke standingLuke was my first bunny.  He was being raised on a farm to be somebody's dinner.  The farmer stopped taking care of the bunnies for some reason and just let them loose in the wild.  As you might imagine, big white domestic bunnies don't survive well in nature.  The Michigan House Rabbit Society rescued the bunnies who survived and took them into foster care where they spayed/neutered and trained the bunnies to use a litterbox.  Luke was in foster care for three years before I adopted him.  I guess most people want small non-albino bunnies with floppy ears, but I thought Luke was absolutely adorable.  His ears were so cool -- he could point them in different directions, and pull them down to wash them, which was really funny to watch.  Luke weighed eight or nine pounds and was very mellow.  He passed away recently after a brief illness.  We tried our best to save him but it looks like he was getting ill in older age.

Luke was a bachelor for many years and then I decided to try bonding him with Arliss, mostly because that would be one less gate up in the house to keep warring bunny factions separated.  The bonding was successful, despite Luke and Arliss' very different personalities, breeds, and ages, and they were very much in love.  They snuggled together all the time and groomed each other.  Arliss was with Luke when he was sick and she was too sad to eat when he didn't make it.  Right now she has a new friend, Joey, who is like a younger Luke.  He has already convinced her to eat again, but they aren't bonded yet.

Luke was a very special boy and got me involved in rabbit rescue.  He can be credited with saving many other bunny lives since he taught me how wonderful rabbits can be.


Annie and Luke


Luke and Annie

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Luke with me

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Luke thinks Arliss is kind of silly

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Luke and Arliss during bonding

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Lazy Luke

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Snuggle bunnies


Last updated February 15, 2003

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